Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Want to

                                                   Want to

           It expresses the strong feeling of the person. Usually this expression is used with people who are
           very closed to you.

                                       Subject + want to + main verb

                                     I want to develop my skills.
                                     I want to maintain silence.
                                     They want to discuss with you.
                                     He wants to do that course.
                                     She wants to save her earnings.
                                     Neela wants to learn english.
                                     My daughter wants to become a doctor.
                                     That company wants to give bonus to its employees.
                                     I want to give up drinking coffee from today onwards.

                    Question forms:

                                     What do you want to do this evening?
                                     When do you want to come in?
                                     Why she does not want to complete her work?.
                                     When does he want to construct a house?.
                                     Why do you want to read this book?
                                      Do you want to inform all of us?

                    Negative forms:

                                      He does not want to participate in the meeting.
                                      She does not want to arrange the books.
                                      They did not want to welcome the C.M.
                                      It does not work.
                                      I do not want to gamble with anybody.
                                      The court does not want to give bail to Rani.
                                      We do not want to come with you.
                                      I do not want to go with them hereafter.


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